MEDWAYCAP Kick Off Meeting: December 16 - 17, 2021, Thessaloniki

MEDWAYCAP Kick Off Meeting: December 16 - 17, 2021, Thessaloniki

von Alessandra PAULOTTO -
Anzahl Antworten: 0

In the framework of The MEDiterranean pathWAY for innovation CAPitalisation toward an urban-rural integrated development of non-conventional water resources - MEDWAYCAP Project, funded by ENI CBC MED 2014 - 2020 Programme, NRD-UNISS, NARC, CIHEAM BARI, as partners of the project and WW-GVC as associated partner, will participate in the Kick Off Meeting of the project, which will be held in Thessaloniki on December 16th and 17th.

The consortium, led by CERTH - Centre for Research and Technology also involves (EL): CERTE - Centre de Recherches et des Technologies des Eaux (TN),  PWEG - Palestinian Wastewater Engineers group (PS), EWA - Energy and Water Agency (MT), CEEBA - Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations  (EG) and SVIMED - Centro Euromediterraneo per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (IT).

The project, which started on October 1st, aims at challenging the paradigm in non-conventional water reuse and management in the Mediterranean region through the promotion of sustainable strategies and technological innovations. The objective will be achieved by: 

1) identifying and harmonizing best practices, key results, lessons learnt in the Mediterranean area promoting benchmarking and access for capitalization;

2) strengthening the impact and the value of innovative integrated management solutions through a MED capitalization alliance for collective learning towards a more effective policy, relevance and innovation processes to ensure a sustainable capitalization of best practices and their replicability;

3) fostering the replication & mainstreaming of best practices & highlights for decision-makers at local/national & regional level through cross-border initiatives addressing environmental challenges, promoting green economy, sustainable development & long-term endogenous economic growth in the MED area.